We have had a startup accelerator initiative called " OK investment or Onegai Kaeru investment".
We help your company to enter Japan, China and other markets. We basically do not charge anything monetary.
In return, you need to provide us a part of your share/stock.
If you have a cool solution you want to roll out to the world. We help you with our connection and possible investment. Please note that you do not expect to get the investment 100%.
There shall be a very careful test before deciding for all these matters.
You need to showcase to us your solution, website or app or prototype or anything, and supply us with the relevant information.
You can send us the brief information of your company (name, legal address, tax registration number if applicable), the relevant personnel (their CV (s)), your business plan and all other information you think important for us to know.
If you successfully pass our check and if you still need to polish your service, product, we help with:
App development: iOS/Android development
Web development: Joomla, PHP, Java, HTML
Web integration e.g. Integration between Drupal and SalesForce