Japan Anime News: Anime market size in 2021 all time biggest in Japan
Anime industry growing again in 2021
How are you doing at the end of 2022?
We hope you all stay safe and healthy. Many people are getting flu and covid around us all around the world. It still worries us that there are still more wave of infections to come.
We would like to keep you updated with anime news today.
How big the anime related market in Japan?
It is more than 2.7trillion JPY in 2021!
This was the biggest in the history of Japan and expected to grow further.
Anime related sales in 2021 grew by 13% from 2020.
Due to the corona pandemic, anime streaming market grew by 65%.
How many of you stayed at home in the pandemic and watch anime on streaming sites in 2020-2021? Many of you most likely did. We did so. When the government recommended us not to go out, we had basically very few things to do at home. Watching Amazon prime and Disney +, watching Netflix. As you know, Netflix laying off its employees like crazy. It shows the streaming market has reached its limit somehow. We all want to go out if we can. Watching the anime all day was not what many of us really wanted.
Anime related sales outside Japan also grew by 6% in 2021. More anime related companies in Japan put more effort to sell overseas. We think this can grow really well in the future. 6% growth seems too small.
Recently we were at Pokemon Center in Tokyo and there were so many tourists from overseas. Maybe even more than Japanese.
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