New Frog Found in Japan!!

Sado insland frog / Sadogaeru Source: Chunichi news
Sado insland frog / Sadogaeru Source: Chunichi news

On the island of Sado ("佐渡島/ Sado-ga-shima"), Japan, a new type of frog is found.

The research team of Niigata univ. and Hiroshima univ. found a new frog called Sado Frog ( "サドガエル / Sadogaeru ") on the island 60 km away from the city of Niigata, Niigata prefecture, northern part of Japan. 

It is around 5 cm big and belong to Japanese wrinkled frog. This frog has a yellow tummy.



Normal Japanese wrinkled frog also cute!
Normal Japanese wrinkled frog also cute!

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